Our Journals

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Zoology

eISSN: 2320-3188, pISSN: 0970-0765

Indexed In: web of Science (ESCI)


ISSN: 1624-1940

Indexed In: Web of Science, Google Scholar

Tobacco regulatory science

ISSN: 2333-9748

Indexed In: Pubmed, Scopus , ESCI, DOI

Russian Law Journal

ISSN: 2312-3605

Indexed In: Scopus Q3 ESCI, HECX, UGC II


ISSN NO: 2230-5807

Indexed In: WoS- Zoological Record

International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE)

ISSN: 1308-5581

Indexed In: WoS, ESCI

Journal of Algebraic Statistics

ISSN: 1309-3452

Indexed In: WoS, ESCI

Child Studies in Asia-Pacific Context (CSAC)

ISSN: 2288-601X

Indexed In: WoS, ESCI

Journal of Costal Life Medicine

ISSN / eISSN 2309-5288 / 2309-6152

Indexed In: Web of Science Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Zoological Record, DOAJ


ISSN: 2041-4900

Indexing: Wos Esci, Zoological Record

Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior

ISSN: 2041-4900

Indexing: WoS ESCI, Peer review Refereed journal, UGC -II